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 Oggetto del messaggio: Johan Olofsson ..........
MessaggioInviato: 17/03/2010, 12:40 
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Iscritto il: 19/09/2009, 15:25
Messaggi: 194
Località: respect the secret spot

We are super stoked to announce that big mountain legend Johan Olofsson has joined Venture Snowboards as a product tester, and will be contributing to product design and development.

Initially an accomplished freestyle rider, Swedish-born Olofsson is renowned for being one of the first snowboarders to take freestyle tricks out of the terrain park and into big mountain environments. According to an interview in White Lines, "What followed was nothing short of mindblowing...he tackled lines which veterans of the Alaskan heli scene had only contemplated in their dreams, with a speed and fluidity that would change the concept of freeriding forever."

In 1996, Olofsson shook the very foundations of snowboarding with his descent of the Cauliflower Chutes in the Standards Films movie TB5. The ride took him down an Alaskan slope of over 40 degrees and 3,000 vertical feet in just 35 seconds, averaging close to 50 miles per hour. This feat landed him in the 1996 Guinness Book of World Records and solidified his status as a living legend of big mountain snowboarding.

Olofsson's involvement with Venture began last spring when we sent him a splitboard while filming in Glacier Bay National Park for the Teton Gravity Research movie Deeper. After riding Venture's Storm splitboard in some of Alaska's most remote and inaccessible terrain, Olofsson was impressed. "I like the solid feel of Venture boards and the first try at riding the Storm was a blast. The rockered shape and snappy turns make it a fun freeride board. You can slash and throw the tail around in all kinds of places. I like to have fun on my board and this one helps."

The primary role Olofsson will play with Venture will be to influence product design and development. "I'm super stoked to have Johan riding our boards and am looking forward to working with him on continuing to improve our designs," says Klemens Branner, Venture's founder and co-owner. "It's going to be amazing to have one of the world's most accomplished freeriders collaborating with us."

Olofsson is also excited about the opportunity, especially in regard to developing splitboards. "I'm always looking into projects that will progress the sport, in this case freeride boards which are getting to be a rare breed in the industry. The split theory speaks for itself. Working on this level with Venture makes it possible to create and shape boards quickly, and I hope to get some good shapes out there for you all."

Welcome on board Johan!

Mitico, non vedo l'ora di vederlo in deeper! :rock: :ola: :bow: :Thumbup:

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Johan Olofsson ..........
MessaggioInviato: 17/03/2010, 20:48 
Non connesso
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Iscritto il: 01/04/2009, 18:32
Messaggi: 437
Località: Torino ne
mckenzie ha scritto:
In 1996, Olofsson shook the very foundations of snowboarding with his descent of the Cauliflower Chutes in the Standards Films movie TB5. The ride took him down an Alaskan slope of over 40 degrees and 3,000 vertical feet in just 35 seconds, averaging close to 50 miles per hour. This feat landed him in the 1996 Guinness Book of World Records and solidified his status as a living legend of big mountain snowboarding.

ma ssiiiii me lo ricordo era quel tizio che non sapeva fare le curve e allora andava dritto per dritto !!!! (ironia)

Grande Olofsson mi è sempre piaciuto con un stile pulito e fluido sempre morbido..snowboard a 360°...e quindi un altro bell'impulso al settore

"Libertà l'ho vista dormire nei campi coltivati a cielo e denaro,a cielo ed amore,protetta da un filo spinato"

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