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 Oggetto del messaggio: Splitboarding Around the World
MessaggioInviato: 19/09/2010, 19:50 
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Iscritto il: 19/09/2010, 19:28
Messaggi: 6
Hello Euro Splitboarders

My name is Kyle Miller and I Splitboard in Washington State. I am interested in doing interviews with like minded splitboarders from around the world for my website. I would ask a few generalized questions about where you are from and your splitboard mountaineering experiences. If this is something you're interested in contact me is via email.


Here is a trip report explaining what I am all About

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Splitboarding Around the World
MessaggioInviato: 19/09/2010, 20:36 
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Iscritto il: 24/02/2009, 21:35
Messaggi: 2652
Località: Milano
Hi Kyle,
welcome :Thumbup:
I have moved your topic in a more appropriate.
I have written you a mail.


 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Splitboarding Around the World
MessaggioInviato: 20/09/2010, 7:28 
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Iscritto il: 01/11/2009, 17:27
Messaggi: 948
Località: FVG
Hello welcome Kyle :beer:

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Splitboarding Around the World
MessaggioInviato: 20/09/2010, 9:50 
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Iscritto il: 07/05/2009, 12:49
Messaggi: 2008
Località: Dolomiti (ogni tanto anche altri bei posti con belle montagne alte piene di powder)
la cosa più interessante è vedere che nelle prime foto si vedono gite anche su neve brutta (come da noi)
stagione sfigata o certe cose le fanno anche loro solo se la neve è assestata?

fuggiamo dal grigio e tuffiamoci nel bianco

 Oggetto del messaggio: Presentazione Kyle Miller
MessaggioInviato: 21/09/2010, 7:53 
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Iscritto il: 24/02/2009, 21:35
Messaggi: 2652
Località: Milano
Ho avuto un interessante scambio di mail con Kyle Miller e abbiamo raggiunto una forma di reciproca collaborazione.

Kyle è un ragazzo di 29 anni super appassionato di snowboard ed in particolare di splitboard.
Vive e va in montagna nei dintorni di Seattle (stato di Washington, estremo nord ovest degli USA) .
Non è un professionista ma ha un sito molto seguito http://whereiskylemiller.com ed alcune aziende iniziano ad interessarsi a lui. Presto ci sarà un articolo anche su Backcountry Magazine.

E' alla ricerca di altri appassionati di splitboard, di cui vorrebbe conoscere alcune informazioni che inserirà presto sul suo sito in una pagina "interviste".

Mi sembra una buona opportunità sia in termini di visibilità che di contatto con una realtà molto diversa dalla nostra che potrebbe essere iteressante approfondire.

In termini molto pratici la cosa funzionerà così: qui sotto ci sono le domande di Kyle, chi fosse interessato a rispondere le può copiare in un nuovo post e rispondere. Chi può lo faccia in inglese così Kyle legge da solo le risposte, chi non sa l'inglese risponda in italiano e poi ci penso io a tradurle.

Csa ne pensate? Idee, suggerimenti?

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Splitboarding Around the World
MessaggioInviato: 21/09/2010, 7:55 
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Iscritto il: 24/02/2009, 21:35
Messaggi: 2652
Località: Milano
Name: [Nome]
Primary Location, Home Mountain, or Home Range: [Residenza e montagne "di casa"]
Age: [Età]
Primary Solid Board: [Principale tavola intera]
Primary Split Board: [Principale tavola split]
Preferred Binding System: [Sistema di attacco preferito]
Boot: [Scarpone]
How Long Have You Been Snowboarding Semi-Professionally? [Da quanti anni vai in snowboard in maniera semi-professionale]
How Long Have You Been Splitboarding? [Da quanti anni vai in split]
What Compelled You to Begin Splitboarding? [Cosa ti ha spinto a passare alla split]
Most Memorable Glacier Travel (if applicable): [La più memorabile traversata su ghiacciaio]
Gnarliest or most Extensive Approach for a Single Line: [Avvicinamento più lungo]
Ideal Backcountry Day: [Giorno di backcounty ideale]
Lifetime Goal or Objective, a Line You've Been Eyeing for a While, or What Would Be your Dream Trip? [Sogno di vita, discesa che vorresti fare da tempo, viaggio da sogno]
Favorite Backcountry Meal: [Cibo preferito per il backcountry]
Favorite Piece of Gear (and Why): [Componente preferito dell'attrezzatura (e perchè)]
Favorite Place You've Travelled (and Why): [Viaggio preferito (e perchè)]
Sponsors (if any): [Sponsor (se ne hai)]
Print/ Movie Appearances (if any): [Apparizioni in video e/o riviste]
Local Causes You're Passionate About: [Cause locali a cui sei appassionato]
Other Stuff You Do (music, volunteerism, art, school, etc.): [Altri interessi, cose che fai]

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Splitboarding Around the World
MessaggioInviato: 21/09/2010, 10:21 
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Iscritto il: 22/03/2010, 8:12
Messaggi: 249
Località: val di susa
Name: Federico Ghione
Primary Location, Home Mountain, or Home Range: Western Alps
Age: 39
Primary Solid Board: Rossignol Undertaker 186
Primary Split Board: Burton Malolo DIYS
Preferred Binding System: Burton Mission
Boot: Burton Driver X
How Long Have You Been Snowboarding Semi-Professionally? from 60 to 80 days / year since I was 20
How Long Have You Been Splitboarding? 6/7 years
What Compelled You to Begin Splitboarding? a split board is better than snowshoes most of the time
Most Memorable Glacier Travel (if applicable): "Pan de Rideau", La Grave, 5.1 S5 E4 TD, 2000m 50°max
Gnarliest or most Extensive Approach for a Single Line: "Polluce" N - W face 4092m from Champoluc (1600m) S5 50° in the first 300m. D1 1800m board on my backpack, D2 shit-stop every 100m hanging on my axes...
Ideal Backcountry Day: wake up in my van in my best secret spot, 60-70 cm of new snow covers the old tracks, just a few friends
Lifetime Goal or Objective, a Line You've Been Eyeing for a While, or What Would Be your Dream Trip? keep on surfing and snowboarding until I die
Favorite Backcountry Meal: coffe toasts butter & honeyfor breakfast, dry fruits during the day, lot of wine bread and cheese after
Favorite Piece of Gear (and Why): my ABS backpack, I hate it for its weight, I love it when I find myself on a minefield
Favorite Place You've Travelled (and Why): some years ago I crossed Sahara on a motorbike, driving from my house to Dakar on my own. Not exactly a sb trip when I come back from a snowboarding trip I always think that nothing compares to Alps...
Sponsors (if any): [Sponsor (se ne hai)]
Print/ Movie Appearances (if any): nothing regarding snowboarding
Local Causes You're Passionate About: NO TAV, it's a movement against the distruction of our valley (Val di Susa) for building a high speed railway (we will never surrender!!)
Other Stuff You Do: climlbing, surfing, travelling

curvone veloci in un oceano di farina scintillante... non ci sono parole x descrivere la sensazione,
vorresti che non finisse mai - s t o k e ! ! !

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Splitboarding Around the World
MessaggioInviato: 21/09/2010, 13:47 
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Iscritto il: 19/09/2010, 19:28
Messaggi: 6
Thank you fede xxx,

If you could email your profile to me including a few photos I will put it on my website.
I just put the first profile up yesterday. Check it out.


 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Splitboarding Around the World
MessaggioInviato: 21/09/2010, 14:05 
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Iscritto il: 14/09/2009, 16:28
Messaggi: 487
Località: Coazze
Name: Alex Ostorero
Primary Location, Home Mountain, or Home Range:Coazze - West Alps
Age: 28
Primary Solid Board: Dupraz D1 178
Primary Split Board: Voilè Mojo 171 ( pending Burton Freebird)
Preferred Binding System: Spark Fuse
How Long Have You Been Snowboarding Semi-Professionally? 8
How Long Have You Been Splitboarding? 3-4 years
What Compelled You to Begin Splitboarding? freedom and versatility
Most Memorable Glacier Travel (if applicable): All about snow days
Gnarliest or most Extensive Approach for a Single Line: Many ascents of 2000-2500 m in one day
Ideal Backcountry Day: I and my friends say:"Powder, Pizza and Pompino" rule of three P
Lifetime Goal or Objective, a Line You've Been Eyeing for a While, or What Would Be your Dream Trip? My Objective are the Liskamm North Face and Gran Paradiso North Face and my dream trip is on Alaska
Favorite Backcountry Meal:dry fruits,chocolate and oranges
Favorite Piece of Gear (and Why):in addition to my snowboard I like the caps
Favorite Place You've Travelled (and Why): last year skiing on Mount Etna in Sicily but the most beautiful place I've visited is the Yosemite Valley
Sponsors (if any): I
Print/ Movie Appearances (if any):local newspaper
Local Causes You're Passionate About: TAV . protest against a high speed train in Susa Valley
Other Stuff You Do (music, volunteerism, art, school, etc.): Climbing and mountaineering, photography,slackline


Ultima modifica di osto il 23/09/2010, 15:00, modificato 1 volta in totale.

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Splitboarding Around the World
MessaggioInviato: 21/09/2010, 16:25 
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Iscritto il: 25/01/2010, 12:50
Messaggi: 328
Name: Andrea Sartori
Primary Location, Home Mountain, or Home Range: Vicenza, Eastern Alps-Dolomiti
Age: 23
Primary Solid Board: Elan Variant 157 (but I'm going to buy a new snowboard!)
Primary Split Board: Burton S-Series 2009 161
Preferred Binding System: Voile SD Mtn Plate Kit or Burton Freestyle
Boot: La Scarpa Avant, or Burton Moto
How Long Have You Been Snowboarding Semi-Professionally? 5
How Long Have You Been Splitboarding? 2
What Compelled You to Begin Splitboarding? Because splitboarding allows more freedom, it's easyer and faster to climb and walking in powder is easyer than snowshoes.
Most Memorable Glacier Travel (if applicable): Gran Paradiso, Normal way
Gnarliest or most Extensive Approach for a Single Line: Two peaks in one day. 2000mt ascent.
Ideal Backcountry Day: Sunny day, very cold, 50/60 cm of pure powder, few friend and high peak to reach.
Lifetime Goal or Objective, a Line You've Been Eyeing for a While, or What Would Be your Dream Trip? Snowboarding all life is a great goal! my ideal trip is to spend a winter in America, Canada and Alaska.
Favorite Backcountry Meal: dry fruits, oranges, and beer at the end od the day!
Favorite Piece of Gear (and Why): First of all my ARVA (or ARTVA), after this...Ice axe and Crampons, because nothing will stop me!
Favorite Place You've Travelled (and Why):i have already to do my ideal travel! :)
Sponsors (if any): /
Print/ Movie Appearances (if any): I wrote some articles for the local CAI journal, and for a snowboard shop's magazine
Local Causes You're Passionate About:/
Other Stuff You Do (music, volunteerism, art, school, etc.): Climbing, Mountaineering, Athletics trainer, fitness trainer,...
Website/Blog: /

Hope I wrote without error!! :oops: :oops:

Mountain Twin Split 160 2013/14 - Spark Afterburner

"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear."

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